Wednesday, September 09, 2009

More Libertarian 101...

I really like this series on Libertarian 101, I can't recommend it enough for those of you trying to learn a bit more about Libertarianism. Today's article is no different as far as getting a recommended read suggestion from me. It's on the Libertarian position on Corporate Greed written by Barry Ritchey II. A small taste...

Libertarians would make it impossible for corporations to grow fat on those 'sweetheart deals' paid for by you and me by lowering the cost of capital by dramatically cutting taxes and government-regulation. We understand the need to encourage entrepreneurship and market fluidity by letting the market and consumers determine the size of a company, not the 'czar' in Washington. In short, if your company isn't sound, don't come to taxpayers saying you're 'too big to fail'. Libertarians understand there is an American out there that has the idea and the will to implement it. More red-tape for him to cut through isn't going to get his innovation to the consumer any sooner, it'll only make it a less cost effective alternative before he even starts.

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