Saturday, February 07, 2009

Word associations from my past...

I grew up a motor head, in a family where one of the males was a very outspoken Libertarian and the other leaned Libertarian when it came to a variety of social issues, especially gun control. With the fascination with cars starting at an early age and being the daughter assigned to be the mechanic's helper, to me hearing the three letters, "POS" described a car that was not a very good one, infact it would be close to a junker, a piece of...I'm sure you can fill in the third word.

Once I started blogging and started learning about a variety of different business practices, I learned what a POS system was, that it was a "Point of Sale" system. Though I admit every time I come across those three letters, I think back to my father loudly proclaiming that one of his friends was driving a POS compared to whatever his car of the moment was...

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