Saturday, February 21, 2009

Of Bias and belief...

You often hear the phrase asking for people to "keep an open mind" when considering a variety of topics, some related to politics some not. The reality is I have found less people who actually are willing to attempt this than I have those who carry their own personal biases and beliefs with them like heavy luggage on their backs. While at times it's frustrating, it's also understandable, we as human beings base many parts of our beliefs on what we feel to be true. If we begin to question some of those core values/beliefs that that creates the frightening proposition that if we are wrong or mistaken on one area, what about the others?

It's much easier to shut out the voices of those who you don't agree with based merely on the fact that you don't agree with them rather than it is to challenge your own beliefs to see with the information shared, how does that impact your belief on any particular issue...

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