Monday, May 07, 2007

Freedom to enjoy your own property...

Alas I have neighbors that don't seem to understand the concept of where their personal freedom infringes on my personal freedom. I can handle the music at times, after all we have houses that are somewhat close together. Yet, the motorcycle bothers me. Not because it's loud, I again understand that's his right to enjoy his motorcycle. It's the fact that he works on it in our shared driveway (that really isn't a driveway since it's not usable for cars) and he revs up the bike because it's experiencing some type of a mechanical issue and fills the downstairs of my house with the fumes. I should not have to keep my windows shut or have to choke on the smoke and fumes that he obviously sees is going into my house. Unfortunately we went thru this last year and he didn't seem concerned then, so I doubt much will change and what creates situations where laws are created is because of the irresponsible behavior of others. Imagine how many laws would not exist if people just exhibited some common sense...

1 comment:

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

A good libertarian's sympathetic husband would show some personal responsibility and go out there and thump his ass.

Sometimes others, especially the terminally inconsiderate, have to be shown (or "convinced") how to act around their more genteel neighbors ;-)