Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Bird Binoculars...the search...

I set out with the mission in mind to find just the right pair of bird binoculars to surprise my husband with since he has become interested in bird watching. I turned to Eagle Optics in searching because I knew they provided great information as to what type of binoculars I should consider and they offer a huge selection in various price ranges. Since I don't know how deeply he'll get into this, I wanted a nice set of bird binoculars but also didn't want to spend several hundred dollars for something that will sit in a drawer, though I did make a note of the fact that they offer free financing for purchases over $200.00. Thanks to the detailed information provided on the Eagle Optics website I was able to find a nice Pentax pair at a very low price, that is designed for beginners, that even came with a strap and a carrying case. I was also pleased to discover that I could use the Google Checkout Payment Option. I've had been told by others that Eagle Optics customer service is excellent but I was able to complete my order thanks to the information provided on their website.

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