Sunday, June 28, 2009

If only there was a magic pill for common sense...

One of the most frustrating things about trying to get people to reasonably discuss politics is the reality that some are only interested in throwing poo and trying to be unreasonable. It's their nature. They are there to disrupt and to make sure that nothing positive or civil can happen, well if they had anything to say about it. It made me wish that there was a magical common sense pill that you could recommend, that there could be reviews similar to diet pill reviews for special products to help fatheads...


1 comment:

Timothy W Higgins said...

Lisa Renee,

The picture that you paint is perhaps the answer that you seek. Primates displaying their throwing skills shows a certain level of dexterity, and of a certain level of evolution. While perhaps while we humans have passed the evolutionary test of lower primates, we have yet to achieve the level verbal dexterity that you seek.