Thursday, November 20, 2008

Would a Republican return to "morality" help the Libertarian Party?

This comment that was left on my other blog made me think...It was on the topic of the Ohio Republican party being split on should their focus be on social issues and morality or fiscal conservative/small government. There appears to be a split where some from the part of the party that supports the social issue/morality aspect wanting to have the candidate for the new director of the Ohio GOP not be selected:

I think myself that the Republican Party needs to be the party of "morality". We already have a party that looks after least government: the Libertarian Party. The Republican Party has been whoring after the "Religious Right", and now is thoroughly associated with it. If I want to vote for a party whose only interests is fiscal responsibility I think Libertarian, not Republican. Hopefully, the Republican Party will split between the "moralists" and "fiscal conservatives". It looks like we'll be seeing a new tripolar political system in the next election.

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