Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blaming Libertarians for the whole "birther" saga

Recommended blog post by Austin Petersen on the Libertarian Party website that addresses the accusation being made by some that Libertarians are involved in the whole "birther" saga, yes, related to was Obama born in the United States. Part of the post:

Recently, some elements of the right have been pressing the Obama birth certificate issue into the public light. Most notably, a segment on Lou Dobbs has added fuel to the fire by legitimizing their claims in the mainstream media. Chris Matthews featured a segment where Ken Vogel of Politico claims that the libertarian fringe are pressing the issue.

In my estimation however, the birther issue has been more of a Constitution Party issue than a Libertarian one.

This is an obvious swat at a movement that is making the establishment very nervous these days so they are going take any occasion they can to smear us. We can expect more and more of this in the future as the liberty movement is gaining traction and freedom becomes more popular.

Libertarians understand that the entire issue does not even matter in a larger sense. If were true that Barack Obama were a foreign born citizen I doubt there is anything the American citizens could do about it. The combined efforts of the entire capitalist grassroots network couldn’t stop the bailout from happening. The last century has been spent with the Executive Branch amassing enough power to do whatever they want so that even if credible evidence emerged that Obama was foreign born (and it hasn’t) then they could ignore it. Or maybe Nancy Pelosi would ram a bill through Congress changing the law ex post facto with several key Republicans signing on citing equality of opportunity for foreign born citizens.

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