Sunday, September 23, 2007

Of course it's different...

I read this paragraph from the Fox News article about the lack of response to Jesse Jackson saying Obama was 'acting white':

The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a talk show host and president of Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, said there is a racial element to Jackson's comments.

"It is bad for business when [blacks] attack black folks for being wrong, when they correct black Americans," Peterson said. But he added: "Can you imagine what would have happened had a white man, or a white Republican, said that Barack Obama is not black enough? They would want to burn down America."

I can't disagree with that comment, as I know it's true...


-Sepp said...

For a guy who plays an anti-racism card, Jesse's true colors (no pun intended) come right out. Obama is "too white" means what? We all know that Jesse will never be questioned about this by anyone. Just like his "Hymie-town" statement, he'll get a free pass.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...

Sadly, so true. . .

Is it just me, or does anybody see this as racism too?