Sunday, June 03, 2007

John Galt's speech...

If you are one of those people who don't know who John Galt is, this post probably won't help you. However, if you are one of those who are familiar with John Galt, this mini version of his speech might interest you:

For twelve years you've been asking "Who is John Galt?" This is John Galt speaking. I'm the man who's taken away your victims and thus destroyed your world. You've heard it said that this is an age of moral crisis and that Man's sins are destroying the world. But your chief virtue has been sacrifice, and you've demanded more sacrifices at every disaster. You've sacrificed justice to mercy and happiness to duty. So why should you be afraid of the world around you?

Your world is only the product of your sacrifices. While you were dragging the men who made your happiness possible to your sacrificial altars, I beat you to it. I reached them first and told them about the game you were playing and where it would take them. I explained the consequences of your 'brother-love' morality, which they had been too innocently generous to understand. You won't find them now, when you need them more than ever.

For the rest, visit here and the most quoted saying of John Galt?

The world will change when you are ready to pronounce this oath:
I swear by my Life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine.


Anonymous said...

Rand despised Libertarianism.

Unknown said...

You can admire someone's work whether they agree with a philosophy or not.

Some would disagree with you on the hatred.