Sunday, March 23, 2008

Government is not the panacea for an ailing economy

Interesting article that I recommend reading from the Libertarian Party website with quotes from Libertarian Party National Chairman William Redpath and Executive Director of the Libertarian Party, Shane Cory. One portion I found especially noteworthy:
"It is almost as if Congress and the President set out to do something half-baked and cheesy in response to this nation's economic problems. They won't give serious solutions the time of day, such as substantially reducing government spending, reducing taxes and reforming the tax code. If the government really wanted to fix the economy, they would start by getting rid of the junky hodge-podge of deductions and credits, lowering tax rates to stimulate entrepreneurial activity and risk taking, and addressing the trillions of dollars of unfunded entitlements in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. If these problems are not substantively addressed soon, foreigners through the world's financial markets may ultimately make the tough decisions for this nation. Let's hope economic sensibility and spine become the order of the day in Washington before then."

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