Saturday, April 18, 2009

Questioning Rick Perry's patriotism...

Some of the blogs out there have really been doing some major name calling when it comes to Texas Governor Rick Perry and his recent statements regarding Texas and the topic of secession. I don't want Texas to secede, but I also don't believe our government holds the right to keep a state that wants to leave the union. What's really at issue when you read the press release from Rick Perry it's not so much secession but state's rights. No one can deny that our present form of government is the way it was designed to exist and states have basically lost many of the rights they had when it came to determining what they wanted for their own citizens.

If this topic interests you? An additional FAQ page, one of the points:
Q: Doesn't the Texas Constitution reserve the right of Texas to secede?

No such provision is found in the current Texas Constitution[1](adopted in 1876) or the terms of annexation.[2] However, it does state (in Article 1, Section 1) that "Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States..." (note that it does not state "...subject to the President of the United States..." or "...subject to the Congress of the United States..." or "...subject to the collective will of one or more of the other States...")

Neither the Texas Constitution, nor the Constitution of the united States, explicitly or implicitly disallows the secession of Texas (or any other "free and independent State") from the United States. Joining the "Union" was ever and always voluntary, rendering voluntary withdrawal an equally lawful and viable option (regardless of what any self-appointed academic, media, or government "experts"—including Abraham Lincoln himself—may have ever said).

Both the original (1836) and the current (1876) Texas Constitutions also state that "All political power is inherent in the people ... they have at all times the inalienable right to alter their government in such manner as they might think proper."

I support the concept of State's rights, just as I am against the practice of unfunded or underfunded federal mandates, believing that if the Federal Government is going to tell a State it "has" to do something? It should provide the full funding or it should be voluntary.

Strong fences make good neighbors

While thinking of summer, it was also hard to ignore that we are going to have to replace one part of our fence, well technically our neighbor should but since it's clear he's not going to, we offered to take care of the fence installation of one new section of privacy fencing since he no longer has a dog and we have two. Not just to keep the doggies safe, but because of the below referenced pool, too many accidents happen when children can easily gain access to a pool that's not in a fenced in yard.

It's hard to not think of summer..

Today was a beautiful day here in Northwestern Ohio, it made me almost want to shuck typing from my upstairs "office" location and use the laptop with the wireless connection on the back deck. The weather inspired my husband to clean out the garage and to start eyeing the small above the ground pool that we have to get it ready for the hotter days that will eventually come. This made me wish that my laptop was waterproof, as I could imagine using one of those pool floats lounges and live blogging from my pool. Alas, that will have to remain a dream, though live blogging from the deck is a sure certainty....

Stark-raving-mad Libertarian?

That's supposedly how Jack Spirko describes himself, while I can't describe my libertarian leanings from my upbringing in that manner, one of my relatives shares some of the same thoughts as Spirko when it comes to libertarianism and survivalism as penned in this Charleston Gazette article. A small taste:
Spirko, an Army veteran and self-described "stark-raving-mad Libertarian," is part of a growing movement of people who are preparing for a disaster natural, economic or man-made. Referred to as "modern survivalists" or "preppers," they are taking steps to protect and provide for their families should something bad happen.

Theirs is a different breed of survivalist, far from the militants or religious extremists who hole up in bunkers, live off the land and wait for the apocalypse.

Preppers are regular people with regular jobs who decided after Sept. 11, after Hurricane Katrina or when their 401(k)s tanked that they can't rely on someone else to help them if something goes awry.

Libertarians rising?

Probably one of the better articles I've read on the concept of the tea-parties and why so many people felt they wanted to participate. The reality for those who followed this was that the Republican Party wasn't behind organizing this, though it's clear that some tried to coattail on to the events by appearing to speak.

Part of the recommended piece Libertarians rising, Republicans riding, Liberals receding:

Libertarians were soaring and leading the charge at the tea parties despite the relatively small percentage of people who consider themselves to be Libertarian. Hopping on to ride on their coat-tails were many Republicans, who seemed to suddenly remember that they were the party of Reagan, who himself stood for lower taxes, smaller government and fiscal responsibility. Of course it was hard for contemporary Republicans to achieve strong credibility on those issues because of their inability and/or unwillingness to reign in government spending or reduce the size and scope of the government when they controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress. There are not many Reagan-like figures left in the party that he once led so brilliantly.

I'd also have to agree that some of the Democrats who tried to either scorn or try to make the tea parties appear to be Republican ideas was disheartening.

How to save money on car repairs

The easiest way is to learn to do some of the basics yourself, though many of the repairs you probably could do with a repair manual on your car and some patience, would be aided by the use of a hydraulic floor jack. We don't have one, but luckily my son does so when we need one, all we have to do is borrow his. Recently we changed the starter on a car we have, it would have been much more difficult without that type of a jack, it could have been done, but you'd need ramps or more than one jack and you always need something to use as a safety, all too often people are injured when a jack let's loose...

Milton Friedman on Libertarianism...

This is part one of the four part video, it's one I recommend watching, especially the first one since there seems to be so much discussion as to what is an actual Libertarian. The other three are good too, and are found on YouTube, but I like this one the best.

Do pets need supplements?

I have cats and dogs, all of which are very well fed animals, but one of mine is getting a bit older and he's not eating as much as he should. According to my vet, if you feed your pets a high quality pet food, if they are elderly or if they are a finicky eater, then pet supplements can be helpful. I do recommend researching the product, just as you would for something you'd purchase for your own use...

A lesson in the free market...

One of my bunch recently bought one of the weight loss pills sold on the internet, she told me it would be perfectly fine because the site offered a guarantee, I suggested she check the fine print because some places have a shipping and handling charge where not all of it is refunded. She didn't listen...the product didn't work for her and the shipping and handling was not refundable, which meant she paid $14.95 for the product which probably nets the company more than enough to cover their product minus her refund. Do yourself a favor, do some research as to what are the best weight loss pills out there and read the fine print...

Nice video on Libertarian Party

I'm wayyyy behind in blogging here but I came across this video and I thought it'd be a nice one to share. It's a ten minute look at the history of the Libertarian Party from 1971 to 2006.