Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Funny political t-shirts...

I had some fun looking at some of the funny t-shirts in the political category that are online. While a few I don't think I'd wear out in public, one or two might be fun to wear at one of the local political events that I cover. Like the one that says, "Democracy is not a spectator Sport".


No International Society for Individual Liberty

There won't be any reason to worry about travel health insurance this year when it comes to the International Society for Individual Liberty yearly conference. This year they decided to support and participate in English Liberty Camps in Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, (former Soviet) Georgia, Azerbaijan (and depending upon funding, Ghana and Egypt). More details are promised in the weeks to come.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Save with ShopWiki

One of the best things about shopping using the internet is the ability to comparison shop. You can go from website to website to find just the right deal and to make sure you are getting the best price, or you can take advantage of websites like ShopWiki where they do the work for you when it comes to pointing out low prices.

The website is set up with user friendly categories that make shopping quick and easy and also point out discounts. I always try to look for discounts that include free shipping. I recommend bookmarking ShopWiki for your future online shopping needs.

Armed forces loves Ron Paul...

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – According to, the top three contributors to Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul’s campaign are from the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force respectively.

“No matter how you measure it, Dr. Paul has the support of our nation’s brave servicemen and women,” said Kent Snyder, Ron Paul 2008 campaign chairman. “His message of a strong national defense, and only going to war with a declaration of war – as mandated by the Constitution – resonates with those who risk their lives to defend that Constitution.”

No branch of the military appears among the “top contributors” to GOP frontrunner John McCain’s campaign.

Additionally, Ron Paul’s military contributions are greater than those of all other current candidates – John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama –combined.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Some nights require coffee

Trying to juggle five blogs, three that are political and the assorted challenges that I face as a parent of five makes some nights when there are so many stories that I want to blog but it's almost impossible to have time to cover them all. That's when I would not be able to survive without the wonderful invention of coffee makers. I know too much coffee is not good for you but on a cold wintery night like tonight when there is major Toledo political drama happening and presidential stories I also want to cover? Coffee helps...

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Ron Paul turns his focus on Senate

Last night, the libertarian-leaning Texas congressman sent a message to his supporters signaling that he was scaling back his presidential bid.

"I also have another priority. I have constituents in my home district that I must serve. I cannot and will not let them down. And I have another battle I must face here as well. If I were to lose the primary for my congressional seat, all our opponents would react with glee, and pretend it was a rejection of our ideas. I cannot and will not let that happen."

He also ends any speculation that he will run as a third party candidate:

"Of course, I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican Party, so there will be no third-party run," Paul said. "I do not denigrate third parties -- just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access restrictions on them. But I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican."

Sunday, February 03, 2008

When I think of Branson I think of Johnny Cash...

Every time I hear the name Branson, I immediately think of Johnny Cash. I think it's part of my upbringing with my father having been such a huge Cash fan. Most people who head there now aren't just going for the music, Branson private golf courses have actually become such a draw that there are numbers of people who head to Branson to yell "fore" rather than to yell "encore".

Donate rather than scrap...

If you have thought about getting rid of an older vehicle that you no longer drive and have considered car donation instead of trying to sell a used boat or vehicle, CarAngel is a site you may want to consider visiting. They sell vehicles that are donated to them via eBay and then use the proceeds to share an anti-drug message through videos and animated videos with a Christian theme for young children. You can learn more about their videos by visiting their YouTube page.

This is the era of the Paranoid Candidate

Some interesting points are made over at National Review by Jim Geraghty The Whine-Heavy Era of the Paranoid Candidate. While I do think there is some merit to the aspect of the discussion that some candidates, including Ron Paul (& John Edwards) did not get the type of media attention they should have, candidates do seem to be whining a bit more than in the past. Or...the media is focusing it a bit more.

Part of the column that I do especially agree with:
In each one of these defeats and endorsements ungarnered, the finger is pointed outward, often to the shadows. It's not that the other guy was any better, it's that he cheated! Only nefarious skullduggery and sinister chicanery could possibly explain my guy coming in any place but first!

Rarely if ever do we hear, "Well, my guy just wasn't good enough. The electorate just wasn't receptive to his message, and he made a lot of mistakes that hurt his chances."